My statistics report shows an unusual number of openings
My statistics report shows an unusual number of openings
Last update: 07-02-2025
There are two reasons why a campaign may register a higher than normal open rate:
Spam filters: The most restrictive anti-spam filters usually click on the links contained in incoming emails. At Acrelia News if an email has not been opened, but a link is clicked, we count the click as an open. We have no way to control when it is the user who clicks or when an anti-spam filter, for this reason we always count it. This can result in the statistics showing a higher number of opens than expected for a particular domain.
Your contacts have forwarded your campaign: If one of your contacts forwards your newsletter to a third party from their email client, the opens they make will count as opens from your contact. Include the "Recommend to a friend" link and encourage your subscribers to share it this way. By doing this, in addition to avoiding "false openings", you will be able to have statistics on the virality of your campaign.