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Statistics help you monitor in detail the performance of your campaigns and the quality of your contact lists. Three types of statistics are available in Acrelia News: Campaign Statistics ...
Statistics help you monitor in detail the performance of a campaign using data on the interaction of your subscribers. Understanding the information provided by the statistics is key to establish the necessary corrective measures to impr...
Acrelia News allows you to export in different formats the statistics of your mailings so you can analise them outside the platform, for example, on Microsoft Excel. In this article, we tell you how to export in Excel .c...
Which percentage of returns is typical?
Even double opt-in contact lists can experience a high bounce rate the first time a mailing is sent. Obtaining
Should I delete the subscribers who do not open my emails?
The answer is: IT DEPENDS. It depends on the type of campaign you send, the type of subscribers you have and the goals you have set for your email marketing campaigns. Before you decide to delete a contact, you...
How do we keep record of email openings?
Usually, it is known if a subscriber has opened a mailing thanks to a transparent image that is displayed when the subscriber opens the email. However, there are cases in which this system cannot determine if an email was opened even if ...
Do you get a high percentage of unsubscribings after sending your campaigns? Follow these tips and you will be able to make it drop significantly:
My statistics report shows an unusual number of openings
There are two reasons why a campaign may register a higher than normal open rate: Spam filters: The most restrictive anti-spam filters usually click on the links contained in incoming emails. At Acrelia News if a...
My open rate is low or non-existent
When the open rate is too low or non-existent it can be due to several reasons: Open tracking was not enabled: When you schedule a campaign you have the option to enable open and click trackings. If you don't see any ope...
My click-through rates are unusually high
As we have already mentioned on other occasions, there are some really aggressive anti-spam filters. If your CTR or click-through rate is unusually high, it is possible that a spam filter hase cause it: some filters click on the links in the campa...
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