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How to be notified when contacts subscribe/unsubscribe from our lists
If you want to keep up to date with your contact lists, you can activate the notifications that notify you by email when a user subscribes or unsubscribes. From the "Contacts" menu, go to "Manage lists". There select th...
You may have created a list exclusively for a particular campaign and then never had to use it again. If you want to delete one of your contact lists, you can do it in just a few seconds. Keep in mind that deleting the list you will delete...
As a mass emailing service in Acrelia News we are obliged to comply with the regulations of commercial communications and anti-spam laws. This means that we must always offer an unsubscribe link in all campaigns sent with our platform, we must aut...
My subscribers are not receiving my mailings
When one of your contacts has not received your campaign it is likely to be because of their spam filter. Spam filters evaluate many aspects of your email before it reaches its destination and can intervene in completely legitimate campaigns. They...
"View in browser", "Unsubscribe from this list" or "Update my data" links in campaign previews
The "view in browser", "unsubscribe from this list" or "update my data" links are generated when you send a real campaign and are personalised for each subscriber who receives the newsletter. The ...
Reasons why valid emails may appear as a Hard Bounce
A bounce is an email that has been returned because it could not be delivered to its recipient. Usually the server informs the sender of the reason why the email did not arrive (you can check it in the sending statistics of the pl...
How to view the statistics of a specific contact
If you want to improve your email marketing results, the statistics of your campaigns are essential. With Acrelia News you can also see the total interaction of a particular contact with all your campaigns. From Contacts - Manage...
One of the first steps to be able to send with Acrelia News is to import contacts. You will see that it will be very easy. When you import contacts to our platform you will not have to worry about duplicate emails, incorrect emails or hard bounces...
Adding hidden fields to a list
Hidden fields are those fields that you can use to store information and are used later for segmentation. They are called "control fields". In Contacts - Custom fields you have the option to create fields that you can configure as visibl...
How do I find out why someone unsubscribed from my newsletter?
Analysing the reasons why a subscriber has unsubscribed from your contact list is essential to prepare your email marketing strategy and know how to improve it. When a user unsubscribes, the Acrelia News platform asks them why they want ...
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