Email Marketing Platform
Find the answer to the most frequent doubts and questions in this section.
Learn how to create and manage your contact lists in Acrelia News.
Find out how to design your email campaigns more effectively.
Understand all the information provided by Acrelia News statistics.
Know how to set up your account, your payment information and other advanced options.
Advanced segmentation
Opt-in, Confirmed opt-in and Doble Opt-in Lists
How to send a campaign only to those contacts who have already received a previous campaign
Bulk removal of contacts from a list
How does unsubscribing work?
How to set up a countdown in your campaign
Troubleshooting with images
Copying a campaign
Export campaigns to HTML
How to scale an image in the Acrelia campaign editor?
Can I see the SPAM complaints?
My open rate is low or non-existent
My statistics report shows an unusual number of openings
How to reduce unsubscribe?
My click-through rates are unusually high
How to categorise your templates
How to create a template
Using templates for my sendings
Create and customize a Subscription Form in a few seconds
How to create a campaign to update your contact details
Check or change my payment information
Sending email campaigns using different senders
Disable my monthly plan when I do not use it
Which domain appears in my mailings?
How to create users and assign permissions
Massive contact management
How to share templates among subaccounts
Subaccounts control panel
Management of subaccount credits
Bulk send to multiple sub-account lists/segments
Statistics of SMS sendings
How to verify an email list
If you could not find the answer to your question, contact us.