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Character that originates from the emoticon and has become an image. It is used in conversations as a symbol or representation of all kinds of images, from objects to people. Each device displays them slightly differently, and they also have different interpretations.

Acrelia's email campaign editor allows you to insert emojis, countdowns, videos, QR codes, dynamic images, and much more. Try it now.


Why is a good idea to use emojis?

Although they are often used in written conversations because they save space and time in writing, they also have an important function in communication: they add the non-verbal component that facilitates message comprehension.

This makes them usable in any type of communication to:

  • Make the message in the inbox more eye-catching and increase the open rate.
  • Add an informal touch to the campaign, for example in the greeting or farewell.
  • Use them as icons to separate sections of a newsletter.
  • Encourage action from the CTA button with a visual reference and get more clicks.
  • Request feedback on the communication or vote on the news.


Emoji vs. Emoticon

It is quite common to use them as synonyms, but visually, they are different. Emoticons are simpler because they are created with punctuation marks, such as a smile :). More and more text editors automatically convert some emoticons into the corresponding emoji, especially faces, but there is no direct equivalence for most of them.

Emojis are a more complex representation, they are highly varied visual icons: body parts, animals, activities, flags, buildings, food, signs, flowers, numbers... The Emojipedia collects the different versions of each one, explaining them and showing their variants for each device.

Custom emojis, for example, to change skin colour, are more inclusive and also draw attention for being slightly different.


Which emoji is the most used?

According to Emojipedia, the most used emoji of all time is the face with tears of joy. However, they adapt to the reality of conversations, and the sad face climbed the ranks in 2020, as did the microbe (as a visual reference to the virus during the pandemic).

In email marketing, emojis are also a seasonal resource, for example: a toast is used for New Year's, and a lipstick kiss is used for Valentine's Day. Every year, new emojis are added, and there are even campaigns to propose them. In fact, on July 17, World Emoji Day is celebrated, and Emojipedia celebrates it by announcing the most used of the new emojis authorized each year (in 2020, the white heart won).