Thank you for your interest in Acrelia News.
In this section, you are able to download logos, images and other material related with Acrelia and Acrelia News. You will also find the guidelines to use our material properly.
(Logos, colors and screenshots of the application).
Both Acrelia and the logo of Acrelia are registered trademarks and their use is subject to comply with the following guidelines.
Use only the official logos downloaded from this section.
In case the use of color is limited, use the positive logo
Do not alter the logos in any way, neither change colors nor design.
We do not grant any license to use the logo ACRELIA. If you want to apply for special permission to use the logo ACRELIA for a particular purpose, please contact us.
En Acrelia News acompañamos al logotipo de las fuentes Roboto y Open Sans.
Below are the colors used by ACRELIA NEWS. Copy the hex codes available below each color or download the entire palette in ASE format.
ACRELIA NEWS consists of two inseparable words: ACRELIA and NEWS.
You can refer to the product ACRELIA NEWS in uppercase or lowercase, in which case the A of Acrelia and the N of News must always be in capital letters.
ACRELIA NEWS - ACRELIA News - Acrelia News
acrelia news - News - news - NEWS
If you wish to include in your blog, press release or other statement screenshots of the application ACRELIA NEWS, please use the ones provided below.
If you need additional resources please contacto con nosotros, we are happy to provide all the images and information you need.
All images and logos provided herein are protected by the law of intellectual property. For more information, please refer to paragraph 4 of our términos y condiciones.