Blog Email Marketing and SMS

Which email clients play video?

Category: Email Marketing

Imagen Which email clients play vi

Brands are increasingly opting to include less text in their emails and more video to encourage their subscribers to interact with them. The key to getting good results using video email marketing depends on many factors such as the quality of the video, the subject matter and, of course, the length of the video. Any video content, whether embedded in an email or not, that is longer than 3 or 4 minutes is doomed to be discarded.


But how much can using video improve our email marketing results?

According to Forbes, brands that include videos in their email campaigns increase by 50% the percentage of clicks, reading time and the percentage of times that their mailings are shared and forwarded to third parties. In addition, the use of videos in bulk email can improve the brand image of the sender by 36.8% and implies a 34% increase in user loyalty.

The reality is that just using the word "Video" in the subject line can help improve open (+19%) and click-through (+65%) rates significantly. Brands that use the word video in the subject line also experience a decrease in the number of unsubscribes (-26%).

However, if the video content submitted does not "engage" the subscriber, these numbers are completely blurred. It should be noted that the types of videos that work best in email marketing are those related to training courses (28.8%), product demonstrations (22%), promotions (19.1%), customer testimonials (17.8%) and corporate messages (5.1%).


Email clients that play video

Not all email clients support video playback directly from the message body. Most do not. For this reason, it is important to set up a fallback image linked to the video so that users can view the video in the browser.



Below you can see what each email client does when you receive an email that has an embedded video: 


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