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What is the best time to send SMS

Category: SMS Marketing

Imagen What is the best time to send

Choosing the day and time to send an SMS marketing campaign is important because the goal is to achieve the best results for the message to be profitable. There are different variables that influence this decision, so the answer is not as simple as it may seem when considering that we all have our mobile phones at hand, and therefore, any time could be ideal.


When to Send an SMS Based on Message Type

The type of SMS is the primary reason for choosing the time slot to send a communication. Transactional messages, those related to deliveries, or actions related to the user, should be sent when a change of status occurs. As they function as notifications, speed is synonymous with good customer service.

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Similarly, reminders also have their own schedule, depending on the appointment's time. In these cases, the norm is usually 24 hours before (or 48 hours if the rate of changes and cancellations is known to be high), so they are sent gradually throughout the day to keep the schedule organized.

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It's quite the opposite when it comes to advertising campaigns; it's common to send all messages at a specific time (considering time zones for international phone numbers). In fact, a specific schedule can even be established so that the recipient knows who is contacting them.

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When it comes to promotions in a physical store, such as offers or discounts, you need to consider their hours to avoid confusing the recipient. However, even if the store is open on weekends, it's not common to disturb people on their days off, unless it's information about an event they registered for.

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If the business is online, it's also a good idea to send messages during office hours, but then you need to consider the product being sold. For example, a coupon for buying makeup is more likely to be used as the weekend approaches than on an early Monday. As for times, noon is one of the most popular moments, which might make you want to experiment with late morning or late afternoon to stand out.

Another influencing factor is if there is an expiration date, as might happen in a promotion, contest, or loyalty program points. Since the usual expiration time is 23:59, reminder messages are typically sent early in the morning of that same day.

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It's possible that the SMS campaign is accompanied by other actions, such as emails or social media posts. In that case, they can act as reinforcement after a few hours. A good practice is to use some metrics for segmentation; for example, sending a follow-up message to those who didn't click, or to those who did click.


How to Consider SMS Recipients

If the information you're sending is a key element, it's also essential to know the habits of the people receiving it. This can be the difference between them ignoring the SMS or taking the time to read and click on it. With their customer journey in mind, it will be easier to determine when is the right time to send your message to their mobile.

For example: What is their work schedule? What do they do before and after work? And at noon? Do they get up to run before heading to the office or take the kids to school? Do they eat in front of the computer? Do they walk through the shopping mall before making a purchase? Even depending on the product or service, the seasonality of extra income can be relevant in choosing which day of the month to apply more commercial pressure.

All these details can guide you in the right direction to choose the moment when they are most likely to react to your SMS marketing campaign.

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