Category: Email Marketing
Segmentation is one of the determining factors for the success of a campaign. A good contact list contains interesting data to choose who to send to and thus achieve the objectives of email marketing. When you do not reach all the possibilities offered by segmenting the database well, it is possible to audit or review that you have not made certain mistakes that keep us away from the desired results.
The information provided by the user when registering is the minimum we have to select who to target. Age range, gender and city are the most basic demographic data and almost any business can make use of them. Depending on the sector, others can be added to add more value to the segmentation, for example profession, company size or income range. In addition, it can be useful to know their interests by creating groups and let the subscribers themselves choose what type of communications they want to receive, their frequency or language.
All segmentation options provided by the contact form are easy to combine and will work better than just using one criterion.
If planning is done with objectives in mind, so is segmentation. It is a mistake to re-send without considering the activity that really matters. The most common action is to look at who hasn't opened something, but why re-sending a campaign to someone who bought last week if they haven't received the package yet, or to someone who doesn't usually buy that type of product? Maybe that's why they didn't open the campaign the first time the message was sent or because they have an open support ticket and prefer to close it first.
You should extract information from the user interaction and choose the right one for what you want to achieve.
The contact database can be filled with different sources of information. In addition to the registration form for the corporate newsletter or web registrations for purchases, collecting zero-party data and not using it later to segment mailings is a serious mistake. For example, surveys are very useful places to collect their tastes, both before and after the purchase, in order to target product interests.
Another important source is the CRM because it is usually where everything is centralised, including interactions on social networks, which can give us segmentation options with great results. This increases the possibilities of meeting sales targets.
When the list of contacts is very large, segmentation is a good resource to focus efforts by grouping profiles. The mistake is to segment too narrowly and end up sending to very few people, with such specific characteristics that you end up missing out on options that may be interesting in the medium or long term. For example, the fact that they have not bought this year does not mean that they cannot open the message and forward it to someone who is going to do so.
Don't be afraid to send to the whole list, just make sure to adjust the personalisation in the best possible way.
Keep sending the same thing to people who don't react to your messages can end up affecting the deliverability of your campaigns. Segmenting and retargeting is a mistake, while segmenting to send a specific message is a good practice. The difference is in the content you use: it is not the same as the rest of the list you have a certain contact with, but one designed to pique their interest in a personalised way.
In addition, making a final call after several reengagement mailings to those who have not reacted is a solution before unsubscribing.
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