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How to measure customer satisfaction and improve it with email marketing

Category: Email Marketing

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Measuring customer satisfaction is a way of assessing their level of loyalty to the brand and a way of finding out about possible image problems. Asking their opinion is a demonstration of interest that also leads to greater trust. There are several standardised formulas that can be used to calculate the customer satisfaction and use email marketing to find out and improve it.



The Net Promoter Score or NPS is perhaps the best-known metric. It consists of getting answers to a simple question: would you recommend us to your contacts? The scale goes from 0 to 10 and is divided into three parts:

  • 0 to 6 are considered detractors.
  • Those who answer 7 and 8 are called passive.
  • 9 and 10 are promoters.

The calculation is made by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the promoters, so the more people who say they would recommend us, the higher our NPS will be.

This metric is the most popular and is therefore very easy to find on websites, although email marketing allows you to make better use of this information. If the response is incorporated into your customer file, it can be used to send segmented messages that help to understand their rating and try to change it in the case of detractors, improve it with passives and reward it with promoters.



The Customer Satisfaction Score or CSAT asks the question directly and bluntly: what is your level of satisfaction? The answers can be numbers or given in the form of emojis right after using a service, or the time variable can be added, e.g. after a month or two, to measure satisfaction at various stages of the product life cycle.

In any case, it only takes into account positive responses, i.e. those who say they are satisfied or very satisfied, without including neutrals or dissatisfied respondents in the calculation, as the NPS does.

The question to measure the CSAT can be automated for any contact with the user, although it is very common in support systems where an email is sent to evaluate the service received once it has been completed. This information is useful for the department, and the customer can also see it as a way of showing interest in improving and valuing us better for it.

Also, in this case, the response obtained can be used to segment future mailings to customers and thus seek more positive feedback in future contacts.



The Customer Effort Score or CES measures what it costs the user to achieve their objective, as the question it asks is how you would value the effort you have made to achieve, for example, completing your purchase or registering on the website. It can be directly related to the usability of an online shop and it is better the lower the average obtained because it implies that it has been easy for them (so they could repeat the experience because they are satisfied).

It is important to conduct these follow-up surveys right after the action has taken place so that they convey how they felt. Email marketing can then contribute by communicating with those who have had difficulties to offer help and solve their problems.

This is a good recommendation for any of the customer satisfaction metrics: ask them for their opinion and listen to their answers.

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