Category: Email Marketing
Whatever the size of your company, whatever the sector to which you target, having information to personalize and segment the emails that you send to your customers and subscribers, is vital if you want to make your email marketing work.
Sending personalized and segmented emails that fit the interests and needs of your subscribers will make that their interactions with your content and your conversions by email increase substantially.
But... How to get this information?
According Janrain, 57% of consumers are willing to provide personal information to a website if they've been informed regarding the benefits and are given the assurance that there will be a responsible use of them.
You should not worry about asking for information to your subscribers. If you show them that it will enhance their experience with your brand and that they will receive a more personalized treatment, they will be happy to provide you this information. Being honest is crucial: Explaining how you will use the information they provide to improve their online experience, their confidence in your business will increase and they will find it easier to provide you that information.
One of the moments in which the users are more willing to share information is when they subscribe to your newsletter or register on your website.You should take advantage of that moment to request information that is really important for later offer them a more personalized experience.
You have to avoid endless forms where useless information is requested. If you're not going to use their address or phone number at all, then do not request it. If it is irrelevant whether if they are male or female, do not ask.
If you limit the information requested from users only to the data you really need to improve your experience, you'll get a shorter subscription form and therefore fewer dropouts, higher number of completed registrations and more real and accurate data.
A good strategy is to divide your signin form in two steps: one where only email is requested and a second step where they must complete the remaining information you need to personalize and segment your email campaigns.
Preferences, needs and situation of your subscribers are changing over time. If you do not update their information on a regular basis, keep in mind that there may come a time when your email campaigns become irrelevant to them, they lose interest in your brand and end up unsubscribing from your list or even worse, mark your message as spam.
To always keep your contacts information up to date, it is important to include in all your emails a link that allows them to update the information you have about them. It is also interesting to do from time to time a data update campaign where you ask them to check that the information you have about them is still correct. The best way to get a high percentage of participation is that you offer them some kind of incentive to do so, such as a discount or special advantage.
Mantener la información de tus contactos al día es la única manera de asegurarte que tus emails seguirán teniendo contenido relevante para ellos.
Keeping your contacts information up to date is the only way to ensure that your emails will still have relevant content for them.
Surveys and questionnaires can be of great help, not only to increase your number of subscribers, but also when it comes to know their interests and preferences.
You can choose to run once in a while a survey to your subscribers, or better yet, include in all your emails a link to a survey or form that allows them to send their comments and tell you what they think about the content of your email campaigns. Knowing your subscribers' opinion is vital if you want your email marketing results continue to improve.
To learn more about segmentation and personalization in email marketing, we recommend you to read this post where we inform about other ways to get information to help you personalize your emailk campaigns.
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