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How to do email marketing for conscious consumers

Category: Email Marketing Trends

Imagen How to do email marketing for conscious consu

Sustainability is gaining more and more importance in society and businesses. Users pay attention to how products they buy are manufactured or distributed and prefer those that care for the environment. They are conscious consumers. That's why companies need to communicate their actions so that this message reaches their potential customers. And email marketing is an effective channel to do so.


What is the ESG criteria?

The acronym ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance criteria, which are used to evaluate the impact a company has in these areas. For example: management of natural resources (E), diversity or equality in their policies (S), and ethical and transparent business practices (G). Current consumers are more aware of the importance of these aspects, especially those of younger generations.

The most direct benefit of applying ASG criteria in a company is to control the impact on the planet and society. Others are more economic, as they allow evaluating suppliers or choosing where to invest, providing a competitive advantage or even opening the company to new markets. There are also commercial benefits, such as a better reputation that can lead to attracting and retaining customers, as well as committed employees.

Imagen ESG crit

Source: Really Good Emails


How to communicate ASG criteria through email marketing?

The conscious consumer supports brands that genuinely care for the environment and not just to clean up their image. Therefore, sending occasional emails explaining actions is not enough because it may seem less credible. Communicating ASG criteria should be done continuously, infusing messages as another value of the company.

The first step is to integrate them into the company's culture and strategy, meaning, believing in them so that when it's necessary to demonstrate that commitment, it's real and not just for a good appearance. Transparency is key because it's easier than ever for users to detect falsehoods or half-truths.

Being transparent means being aware of how our sector impacts directly or indirectly on ASG criteria, acting accordingly, and communicating it. For example, if our product is not the most eco-friendly option, we need to highlight in our communications what is being done to try to reduce the impact, even if it cannot be equated with other solutions. It builds greater trust if it's done consistently whenever that product is mentioned, rather than in a single campaign.

For the conscious consumer to choose us because they trust our brand, we also need to remind them that we are all in the same boat. If the company and its employees and suppliers manage to demonstrate shared values with society and the user, it's easier for them to believe what we tell them and trust that our commitment to them is real. Also, they may want to forward the campaigns and help us reach their contacts.

Imagen Communicate ASG crit

Source: Really Good Emails


Message personalization should become a shared experience, not just by putting their name in the header. For example, being empathetic and giving the subscriber the option to stop receiving certain promotions if we know they could be emotionally affected, such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day campaigns.

Being a company with clear ASG criteria can lead to a change in the way the company operates and doesn't have to happen all at once, including in email marketing. You can start by incorporating a note in the newsletter and see how subscribers react, gradually adding more related news to culminate in a more official campaign that encompasses all past and future actions.

Imagen Message personaliza

Source: Really Good Emails


The important thing is to be aware that there is no turning back, and the changes made involve the entire company, so all marketing has to be affected from that moment on.

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