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Email marketing trends for 2025

Category: Email Marketing Trends

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The new year is a good time to review what's happening in the email marketing industry and assess it for our planning. Trends are a guide to keep in mind, but it's always best to look at them from a business perspective: tests, statistics and audits are what really help you define your strategy because they are based on your own data.

We tell you the email marketing trends for 2025 based on our learnings from 2024 so you can have a good starting point for your analysis.


Taking care of security and privacy

Users are concerned about how companies use their data and email marketing is no stranger to this trend. Browsers and email managers continue to implement functionalities that force us to react and make changes in the way communications are sent.

On the one hand, cookies are expected to be a thing of the past by 2025. Collecting data that users give voluntarily (zero-party data) is a challenge to which email marketing can make a positive contribution. On the other hand, security concerns are increasing and fraudulent emails are being targeted. In addition to the requirements for senders, blockchain technology for newsletters is a way of guaranteeing their integrity: certified emails are another step towards the user's trust in the sender.


Preparing intelligent newsletters

It is impossible to talk about trends for 2025 and not include artificial intelligence, also for email marketing. Its use not only makes it possible to create specific content, such as news summaries or original images, but also to extract valuable information from a database, including a CRM, for advanced segmentation.

In this way, newsletters are more personalised and, therefore, achieve better results. We have to leave behind the era of sending the same thing to the whole list: technology helps us to be smarter and better exploit the information we have about subscribers. It also saves us time and makes us more efficient, so it is definitely worth bearing it in mind on a daily basis.


Seeking more interaction and visibility

In email marketing, objectives are met in part thanks to the functionalities that programming allows, so it is important to keep up to date with its advances. One example is the possibility of incorporating interaction into messages with AMP to increase engagement. This also influences the sender's reputation because email managers take this into account so that we are not considered spam.

Visibility in the inbox has also become a priority, taking advantage of the BIMI method to authenticate communications. Complying with their requirements to display the logo and thus gain brand recognition has other security-related benefits that also provide a competitive advantage.


Combining channels to add value

One trend in email marketing that is still on the rise is the commitment to a multi-channel strategy. Ensuring several points of contact with the user is important to give them what they want when it is most convenient for them to have it. Therefore, email is one more channel that joins others such as social media and mobile marketing and combined they offer a better customer experience.

We've been using templates with social sharing buttons for years; then using user content (UGC) to feed corporate newsletters or making sure they look good on all kinds of devices; and now increasingly leveraging networks like LinkedIn to create them. Focusing on the customer means being multichannel because they are the customer and we must respond to their needs.


Better understand the subscriber

In a small database it is possible to know a little about the users that compose it, but when the business starts to grow, that vision is lost and it is impossible to know what they want if you don't ask them or study their behaviour. Adding fields to the form, carrying out surveys or analysing statistics is essential for communications to have a positive impact on them.

For example, knowing that part of your contact list reads the newsletter from specific tools for this purpose means that they may be using an email account that is neither corporate nor personal. Or how many have not reopened your communications after downloading a lead magnet will help you to create content more related to their subject and not lose opportunities.

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