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Email marketing templates for customer service messages

Category: Email Marketing

Imagen Email marketing templates for customer service mess

When we talk about templates, the first impression is that we are referring to design, but the texts of the message are also part of them. Using always the same structure saves time in managing email marketing, but above all it provides consistency over time because we make sure that the brand style is maintained. This is also important for the customer service department because many emails are sent from there, as well as SMS to complement them.


Welcome template

After completing the registration or purchase process, the first message the customer receives should include the basic information to start the relationship with them on the right foot. There are many examples of welcome emails and they can take different forms, but personalisation is what will make it perfect. You can also add a discount to make the subscription even more attractive.


Welcome example:

Hello, [Name]!

We're glad you wanted to join the [Sender Company Name] family: welcome!

You can now enjoy the benefits of our community, including exclusive discounts and access to our resource centre where you can learn all the tips and tricks for using your [product/model] professionally. To help you get started and answer your questions, we have prepared a tutorial that you will receive in this email from tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or just want to say hello, you can contact us by replying to this same message or by calling our customer service number [Phone].

Thanks again and see you soon!


Imagen Customer Service Temp


Onboarding templates

The next step to continue providing good customer service is to initiate a sequence that serves as onboarding, i.e. to give a more guided and continuous welcome over time to accompany them and resolve the typical initial doubts. This could be by explaining the benefits, giving them a complete tutorial or asking them to complete their customer profile.


Onboarding example:

Hello, [Name]!

We hope you are enjoying your [product/model] and to help you get the most out of it, we have prepared this step-by-step tutorial. Starting tomorrow and for the next [X] days you will receive:

  • Detailed explanation of the features so that you can familiarise yourself and get to know all its functionalities.
  • Tips and best practices so you can take advantage of it in your daily life.
  • Advanced uses and tricks to give it a professional use.

Our aim is to make things easy for you, so there will be photos and videos that you will be able to save and check whenever you need them.

You can contact us at any time just by replying to this message or by calling our customer service [Phone].

See you tomorrow!


Imagen Customer Service Temp


Templates with tips

Whether as part of the welcome sequence or as a stand-alone message, communicating best practices to customers is a good way to improve customer satisfaction. Of course, these recommendations vary according to the product or services, but the ultimate goal is to make them value it positively and not to make them regret their purchase.


Example to give a couple of tips:

Hello, [Name]!

How is your experience with [product/model] going? You've probably already started using it, but we think you might be interested to know some tips that will make you enjoy it even more.

Tip for taking advantage of [main feature]: have you tried it yet? Take a look at this image to find out how it works and how to get [associated main benefit].

[Mini tutorial image].

Tip for [customer-relevant feature]: in this 1-minute video we explain how to use it differently and show that you are part of our community of advanced users.


Practice these tips while we prepare some more for tomorrow's message. And remember that you can contact us 24/7 on our customer service line [Phone].

See you tomorrow!


Imagen Customer Service Temp

Source: Really Good Emails


Account status template

Customer service also sends messages on key dates related to the user, such as the renewal of their annual subscription, the anniversary of the first purchase or the registration after having been in the free period. This is when it is most evident that these are not mass messages, that personalisation makes the brand more relatable and that having a template helps to reduce errors.


Example to switch from free to paid customer:

Hello, [Name]!

All good things come to an end and in a few days the [product] free trial period you started almost a month ago will come to an end.

We know you've enjoyed your registration and we don't want you to stop using it, so we encourage you to take the plunge and become a user with full access to all the great features you've been trying these days:

[List of featured features]

By becoming a premium user, you also get access to our personalised support, priority updates and much more. Check out all the benefits on our website: [Link to the functionality’s comparison].

Ask us any questions you want on our customer service hotline: you have [X] days until the end of your free trial!

We hope you want to continue to be part of our community, with you we are more than [XXX].


Imagen Customer Service Temp

Source: Really Good Emails


Daily follow-up templates

Customer care also follows up and engages directly with the user, in almost individual messages, whether it is to encourage them to recommend us or simply to ask them to complete a survey to find out their opinion on a certain topic. As before, the important thing is that they see that we care about their wellbeing and that they are part of an active community.


Example to send a survey:

Hello, [Name]!

At [Company name] we are always listening to the opinions of our community because it is what helps us to improve and find new options so that [product] continues to be one of your favourite products. That's why we would like to ask you to fill in this survey [link to online survey] or reply to this message by answering three simple questions:

  • What do you like about [product]?
  • How would you improve it?
  • What would you like us to add to [product] in the future?

Your answers will not be shared or made public, we take your privacy very seriously: we will only use them in an aggregated and anonymous way to improve our product.

Thank you for your time!


Imagen Customer Service Temp


Templates related to testimonials

Another type of messages that are led from the customer service department are those that achieve success stories or testimonials for use in the sales area, the website or even the newsletter. They can be automated to be sent after some time or a manual selection can be made for which it is convenient to have a template and thus save some time.


Example to ask for a testimonial:

Hello, [Name]!

You've been using [product/model] since [date of purchase] and I'm sure you're getting the most out of it and achieving [main benefit] thanks to it.

We believe that your case would help other people to see the potential it has and that's why I would like to ask you to write us a few lines to be used in promotional materials for [product]. To thank you for your time, we are offering you two months free on your next subscription renewal. This way you can continue to enjoy its benefits, with no obligation.

If you would like to participate, please reply to this message and we will send you a few questions to make it easy for you to share a couple of sentences about how you use your [product].

We look forward to hearing from you!


Imagen Customer Service Temp

Source: Really Good Emails

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