Blog Email Marketing and SMS

Advanced tracking in Email Marketing campaigns (II)

Category: Features

Imagen Advanced tracking in Email Marketing campaigns

Acrelia News statistics module offers lots of useful information to assess the performance of your email marketing sendings. Besides knowing the basic data such as openings, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes ... it lets you know how much time your subscribers spent reading your emails, from which locations or devices, click map, among many other advanced statistics.

In Acrelia News, the opinion of our customers matters, for this reason we collect all the suggestions you send us to provide you with the best email marketing platform and the best service available.

Among the improvements of this month, there are two new metrics in the statistics module that many of you had requested us: to know the openings and clicks per hour and to know which subscribers have clicked on each of your newsletter's links.


Openings/Clicks per hour

In the summary statistics, you can find a new graph showing you the performance of your campaign in the past 24 hours. In it, you can see grouped by hours how many openings and clicks has received your sending:

Imagen Campaign performance statis


Detail of clicks

Now, when accessing to the click statistics, you can see besides the clicks received by each link and clicks heatmap, information about which subscribers have clicked on each link and download the report in csv format. In addition, you can know what percentage of clicks has received each link compared to the rest.

Imagen Campaign clicks statis

Imagen Campaign links statis

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