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Acrelia, a certified email marketing platform in the ENS

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In a digital environment where information security has become an absolute priority, Acrelia, the Spanish email marketing platform, has achieved a significant milestone: obtaining the certification at the medium category of the National Security Framework (ENS) by complying with 68 security measures, making it the only email marketing platform with this level of compliance. This recognition is not only a seal of excellence in its security practices but also a tangible guarantee of the effective protection of its customers' data.

The ENS certification for Acrelia represents a crucial milestone, especially in such a competitive and dynamic field as email marketing. In this field, trust and security are key elements for success and customer retention. By implementing ENS standards, Acrelia not only meets rigorous information security regulations but also positions itself as an industry leader committed to data protection and user privacy.

This achievement is particularly relevant in the current context, where cyber security threats and concerns about data privacy are constantly increasing. By obtaining the ENS certification, Acrelia demonstrates its ability to adapt to these challenges, implementing best security practices and setting a new standard in data protection within the email marketing sector.



What is the National Security Framework?

Who must comply with ENS?
Affected entities
Responsibilities and compliance

Objectives of ENS

ENS Updates in 2022 (RD 311/2022)
1. Scope expansion
2. Strengthening security measures
3. Focus on cyber resilience
4. Risk management update
5. Improvements in certification and audit process
6. Promotion of awareness and training

Acrelia News and ENS Certification
Exceptional implementation of security measures
Leadership in data security
Benefits for Acrelia clients
Continuous commitment to security improvement

Email Marketing platform certified in the National Security Framework


What is the National Security Framework?

The National Security Framework represents a set of rules and standards established by the Spanish government, aimed at ensuring the security of information in public entities and private companies that handle public data. Implemented to strengthen defenses against digital threats, the ENS has become a reference standard in information protection and cybersecurity management.

The ENS emerged as a response to the growing need to protect information and information systems in the public sector. Since its implementation, the framework has evolved to adapt to changing security challenges in the digital environment, integrating best practices and international standards.

The ENS is crucial because it establishes a consistent and coherent security framework for all entities handling information. With the increase in cyber threats, the ENS provides a solid foundation for data and system protection, ensuring the continuity of services and the trust of citizens and businesses in the digital sector.


Who must comply with ENS?

The National Security Framework (ENS) is not merely an optional guideline but a set of mandatory regulations that must be followed by a wide range of entities in Spain. Its application is essential to ensure the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of data and information managed by public and private entities interacting with the public sector.

Affected entities

  • Public Administrations: Firstly, the ENS is mandatory for all Public Administrations of the State. This includes the General State Administration, the administrations of the Autonomous Communities, and entities forming the Local Administration. The significance of compliance in this sector is due to the vast amount of sensitive and personal information managed by these entities.
  • Companies and service providers: Private companies and service providers that contract or collaborate with Public Administrations are also obligated to comply with the ENS. This is particularly relevant in the context of digitization and the outsourcing of services, where private companies handle or access public or personal information on behalf of a public entity.
  • Entities managing Public Services: Additionally, the Framework applies to any entity, whether public or private, managing essential services for the community that, by nature, require special treatment of their information and systems. This includes, for example, basic supply companies such as water and electricity, as well as transportation and health services.

Responsibilities and compliance

Entities obligated to comply with the National Security Framework must implement a series of security measures proportional to the level of risk associated with the information they handle. These measures include:

  • Identification and risk analysis: Continuously assess the risks that could impact information and information systems.
  • Implementation of security measures: Apply appropriate security measures, ranging from access control and incident management to conducting audits and providing training and awareness for staff.
  • Certification and audit: Obtain certification of compliance with the National Security Framework and undergo periodic audits to verify the effectiveness of implemented security measures.

Compliance with the ENS is not just a legal matter but also a commitment to security and trust in the digital environment. For entities like Acrelia, complying with these regulations means not only respecting the law but also strengthening the security of their operations and the trust of their customers.


Objective of ENS

The main objective of the ENS is to establish a security framework that ensures the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of managed data and information. Additionally, it aims to promote a culture of security within organizations, ensuring that information security is an integral aspect of all operations.

The National Security Framework (ENS) is a key initiative in the information security landscape in Spain, designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data in public administrations and private entities working with them. Its objectives focus on establishing a solid and coherent framework for managing information security, appropriate to the nature and severity of current threats in cyberspace.

The main objectives of the ENS are detailed below:

  • Ensure information protection: The primary goal of the ENS is to protect information managed by public entities and private companies collaborating with them. This involves ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, preventing unauthorized access, improper alterations, or information loss.
  • Establish a framework of trust: The National Security Framework seeks to create a digital environment of trust where citizens and businesses can interact with public administrations securely. This is essential for encouraging the adoption of digital services and the digital transformation of the public sector.
  • Promote a culture of security: Another crucial objective of the ENS is to develop a culture of security within organizations. This involves not only the implementation of technical measures but also staff training and awareness, ensuring that all levels of the organization understand and commit to information security.
  • Respond to cyber threats: In a world where cyber threats constantly evolve, the ENS aims to provide an adaptable and resilient framework that allows entities to effectively respond to these risks. This includes regularly updating security measures and adapting to new forms of cyberattacks.
  • Ensure continuity and quality of Public Services: By protecting the information systems of public administrations, the ENS also ensures the continuity and quality of digital public services. This is essential to prevent interruptions or disruptions that could impact citizens or the economy.
  • Comply with current legislation and regulations: The ENS helps entities comply with national and international regulations on information security and data protection. This is crucial to avoid sanctions and to maintain trust and legal compliance in all operations.

In summary, the objectives of the National Security Framework are essential to ensure a secure and reliable digital environment, crucial for both the public and private sectors. For mailing platforms like Acrelia, aligning their security practices with the objectives of the ENS is not just a matter of regulatory compliance but an essential step towards excellence in information protection and digital trust.


Updates to ENS in 2022 (RD 311/2022)

The year 2022 marked a significant turning point in the National Security Framework (ENS) with the enactment of Royal Decree 311/2022, dated May 3. This significant update introduced key changes and improvements to the ENS, reflecting the constant evolution of information technologies and the changing nature of cyber threats. Below are the most relevant aspects of these modifications:

1. Scope expansion:

RD 311/2022 expanded the scope of the ENS to include new entities and situations. Now, not only public administrations and companies working directly with them but also other entities handling public character data must comply with ENS standards. This expansion recognizes how digitization is transforming all sectors and the need to protect information across a broader spectrum.

2. Strengthening security measures:

One of the most significant updates is the reinforcement of required security measures. This includes the implementation of stricter controls for identity and access management, data encryption, and cloud security. These measures are designed to address emerging vulnerabilities and provide more robust protection against cyberattacks.

3. Focus on cyber resilience:

The new decree places special emphasis on cyber resilience, urging entities to develop capabilities not only to prevent but also to respond to and recover from security incidents. This involves creating business continuity plans, disaster recovery strategies, and conducting security drills.

4. Update in risk management:

A more dynamic and adaptable approach is introduced in risk management. Entities are required to conduct periodic risk assessments and adjust their security measures based on changes in the threat landscape. This flexibility is crucial to maintaining security in a rapidly evolving digital environment.

5. Improvements in the certification and audit process:

RD 311/2022 also reforms the certification and audit process to ensure more effective compliance with the ENS. Clearer and more detailed criteria are established for audits, and requirements for certification are strengthened, ensuring that entities comply not only on paper but also in practice.

6. Promotion of awareness and training:

The importance of awareness and training in information security is emphasized. Entities must ensure that their staff is adequately trained and aware of security policies, understanding their role in protecting information.

These modifications to the ENS represent an effort to adapt to current and future challenges in information security. For companies like Acrelia, these updates imply not only adapting to a stricter regulatory framework but also taking a proactive stance in data protection and information security, which is essential for maintaining customer trust and business integrity in the current digital environment.


Acrelia and ENS Certification

Acrelia successfully implemented the requirements of the ENS, allowing it to obtain a medium-level certification. This certification is evidence of its ability to securely manage customer information and data, complying with the highest security standards in its email marketing and SMS platform.

Exceptional implementation of security measures

Acrelia has adopted a comprehensive and meticulous approach to implementing ENS security measures. This implementation goes beyond basic requirements, covering advanced aspects such as high-security cryptography, sophisticated intrusion detection systems, and strict incident management protocols. Each of these measures has been carefully selected and adapted to address specific challenges in email marketing, ensuring optimal protection of customer data and subscribers to their email campaigns.

Leadership in data security

By implementing more than 68 security measures, Acrelia not only complies with regulations but also assumes a leadership role in the industry. This level of commitment to data security is particularly relevant in email marketing, where the confidentiality and integrity of information are critical. By ensuring a high level of security, Acrelia assures its customers that their data is protected against the most advanced cyber threats.

Benefits for Acrelia clients

For Acrelia's clients, the medium-level ENS certification brings multiple benefits. Firstly, it ensures that their data is managed under the highest security standards. This is especially important for clients seeking an email marketing service provider that can offer solid security guarantees. Additionally, this certification strengthens clients' trust in Acrelia, which is essential for maintaining lasting and successful business relationships.

Continuous commitment to security improvement

Acrelia understands that information security is an ongoing process and is committed to continuous improvement. This means not only maintaining current compliance but also adapting to new threats and evolving with emerging technologies. The company is committed to regularly reviewing and updating its security measures to remain a reference in the industry.


Email Marketing platform certified in the National Security Framework 

Acrelia's certification in the National Security Framework (ENS) at the medium level, backed by the implementation of more than 68 security measures, is not just a significant achievement for the company but also a milestone in the email marketing industry. This effort reflects an exceptional commitment to information security and sets a new standard in data protection. Acrelia's distinction establishes a new benchmark in the industry, demonstrating that it is possible to combine the effectiveness of email marketing with top-tier data security.

This achievement not only benefits Acrelia itself by increasing customer trust but also raises the bar for the entire sector, promoting greater awareness and adoption of robust security practices. The implementation of these advanced security measures is a clear indication that Acrelia not only cares about regulatory compliance but actively seeks to protect and safeguard customer information from emerging cyber threats.

In conclusion, Acrelia's initiative and leadership in data security not only benefit its direct users but also contribute to creating a safer and more reliable digital environment for everyone.

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