Category: Email Marketing
In an ideal world, no one would unsubscribe from your list and your list would only grow in subscribers. But the reality is that they can say goodbye to you at any time, even with a simple click from Gmail. While this is ultimately good for maintaining the quality of your database, it hurts to see them leave. In fact, the percentage of unsubscribes is an indication of how you are conducting your email marketing because, without realising it, you may be losing subscribers by committing some imprudence.
This is perhaps the most obvious reason, but this mistake is still being made. Unfortunately, there are companies that do not ask for consent to send their promotions by email and launch campaigns without worrying about the recipients. Remember: it is a myth that you can send anything once you have the email.
Spammers exist, both professional and unwitting spammers. To always include the unsubscribe option is legally required and gives users confidence.
There are many ways to do this, such as using a false subject line or a call to action that leads to different content than expected, or even creating a low-quality lead magnet. Not meeting expectations is a reason for unsubscribing that can be avoided by being fully transparent at all stages of email marketing.
Brand reputation is at stake, not just user satisfaction. That's why it's important to gradually earn their trust with campaigns that show you care about them.
When someone signs up for a newsletter, they expect to receive a confirmation, the next issue and perhaps a welcome sequence. You probably send more mailings, such as surveys and competitions, but new subscribers are not yet ready for too many messages.
You need to take care of them in the first few days to make a good impression and make sure they don't regret it, so you may want to segment your campaigns according to when they joined your database. This way you will avoid communications of lesser importance to them.
Asking for a lot of information during the sign-up process is useless if you don't use it to send only relevant content. Sending without segmentation makes subscribers get tired and want to unsubscribe. Why would they want to receive news about products they are not going to buy? Why not let them choose what they want to know about our brand?
Thanks to zero-party data, it will be easier to personalise your email marketing and focus more on users. You will be able to improve their engagement with your brand, improving conversions.
Consider email marketing as a relationship and you will see that you can't always be talking about yourself: subscribers, like couples, get tired of egocentrism. Their most common form is corporate content, focused on explaining the good work of the company, although it can also be too commercial.
It is normal that you want to prioritise your brand's key messages, but you should also leave room for empathy in your email marketing and use other types of communications, such as user-generated content or content that is more entertaining than promotional.
Any of the above reasons could end up boring users, but routine kills email marketing. You have to get out of your comfort zone and send different emails than usual. Some ideas: change the header or the whole template, gamify your campaigns, modify the tone, try pixel art...
You don't need to change everything constantly, just from time to time to keep subscribers' attention and give them a reason to stay subscribed. It's a way to keep the spark alive.
When a campaign lands in the spam folder, we are missing an opportunity to meet our objective because not all users will bother to check it and move us to the inbox. For example, using the opt-in confirmation message to ask them to add us to their contacts is a simple way to try to avoid being considered spam in future mailings.
Worrying about deliverability is a task for email marketers, as is optimising messages so that they convert more.
If you care about users being able to read your messages on any device, why don't you also care about accessibility for everyone, including the visually impaired? You can check that from the Acrelia campaign editor: how will colour blind people see the message, and will someone who uses a screen reader be able to understand it?
In addition, by taking care of accessibility you also make your communications easy to read for the rest of the contacts on your list.
We all make mistakes and some can be forgiven as long as they are not frequent. But, when the same mistakes are repeated, sending after sending, we are shown to be unprofessional and this damages the brand image.
It is easy to avoid this type of problem by performing automatic tests to detect unintentional oversights that will affect the user's experience. Sending a broken email does not get results and you can lose confidence in this channel.
Even though you are sending campaigns in bulk, personalising your mailings will allow you to be closer to your subscribers. Not only will you get more opens and clicks, but you will take your sending to the next level and you will be generating more engagement while increasing your conversions.
But what kind of personalisation are you doing? You can't just address your subscribers by name, you must use dynamic fields to get a much more real personalisation and segment your mailings to offer subscribers the content you know they are most interested in.
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