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10 ideas for email marketing campaigns in September

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Imagen 10 ideas for email marketing campaigns in Septe

September does not officially mark the beginning of the new year, but almost because it is the start of the school year and this conditions the planning of all marketing actions. Back to school is traditionally a return to normality. The summer is over, the intensive working day and the holidays are over. It is time to re-prioritise to ensure that in the last months of the year you achieve your objectives. By planning your mailing calendar in time, getting back to the routine won't be so hard.

Here are 10 suggestions for your September marketing campaigns!



1 September is the day when it is justified to insert one or more GIF files in your campaign. You can use them as an extra element, for example with an animation of your product, or as the main character in a story that explains how your summer was and what you have planned for the rest of the year. Remember that this format is very good for animations, but they must be short in order not to lose quality or increase the download time.

Source: Really Good Emails


Colour Blind Day

On 6 September you can send a message explaining how people with vision problems see your campaign or your product. This way you can make your subscribers aware of the importance of taking care of accessibility, not only in email marketing, but also in any kind of action, so that everyone can enjoy a good brand experience.

Imagen Email Marketing septe


Chocolate and Paella Days

These are two pleasures for the palate that deserve a bit of attention. 13 September is Chocolate Day and can be a treat to share with your subscribers, perhaps as a reward for their loyalty or by presenting your product as an alternative to the usual chocolates. 20 September is Paella Day and its ingredients generate so much debate that you can use it as an opportunity to send a fun message about your team's preferences.


Talk like a Pirate Day

Cabin boy: 19 September is one of those days that you don't expect to exist, but yes, you have 24 hours to talk like a pirate. Can you imagine going out of your usual style and making a fun campaign with images or illustrations with buccaneer hats, patches, parrots and hooks? And it would be a rum toast if you share a treasure map with your subscribers and make the X your brand. Lightning and thunder, what a great idea, Captain!


Car Free Day

European Mobility Week includes a Car Free Day on 22 September to raise awareness about the use of more sustainable vehicles. In addition, 16 September is the day for the preservation of the ozone layer, so there are several possible moments to explain what your company is doing in this area. You can also collect some photos of your team cycling to work or ask your customers to send in theirs for a prize draw.



On 23 September autumn officially begins. This is the occasion to change the header of your newsletter and send it in the typical colours of this season. Take the opportunity to compile the most important news of the summer that has already ended, set the challenges for the last quarter or make a selection of products that can be related to autumn.

Imagen Email Marketing Septe

Source: Really Good Emails


Libraries Day

24 September is a new opportunity to promote those guides or eBooks that are part of your corporate library (here you have ours). Whether or not your business is related to culture, you can take the opportunity to recommend some of the world libraries or books that should stand out on your subscribers' shelves. It's always a good time to promote reading!

Imagen Email Marketing Septe

Source: Really Good Emails


Tourism Day

27 September is the day to highlight the value of tourism from any of its spheres of influence (society, culture, politics, sustainability, economy). There are many businesses linked to this sector, although anyone can propose what to do in the city where the company has a head office, for example around the offices or shops to inform a customer who visits them.

Imagen Email Marketing Septe

Source: Really Good Emails


Translation Day

If you do not yet have a newsletter in several languages or you do not allow the user to decide in which language he/she wants to receive it, you can take advantage of 30 September to communicate this launch. It is Translation Day, so you can also use it to test the possibility of adding new languages to your form or to your mailings. Users appreciate receiving information in their main language, but you should make sure that it is worth the effort.


Regional days

Ceuta (2nd), Extremadura (8th), Asturias (8th), Catalonia (11th), Cantabria (15th) and Melilla (17th) celebrate their days in September. These are important holidays for these communities and can influence the day the newsletter is sent out as well as specific campaigns to announce special schedules or participate in the festivities. As with the other days associated with a geographic location, remember to segment so that your communication reaches the group that is affected by the holiday.

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