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10 Examples of promotional campains in social media

Category: Email Marketing

Imagen 10 Examples of promotional campains in social me

Email is another channel in the marketing strategy, a complement to the actions of others, such as social media. Additionally, using the contact list to gain new followers, interactions, or user-generated content is also a good way to generate clicks in the promotional campaign. In this way, all channels benefit.


Announce New Channels

If you decide to have a new profile on a channel where you previously had no presence, the best way to attract followers is by sharing the profile in a campaign that advertises it. Explain the reasons why they should follow you and end with a clear button.


Source: Really Good Emails


Differentiate Each Channel

The welcome message can be a good place to introduce your social profiles. If each one has its own type of posts, display them differentially, for example, by including a screenshot so they can choose which one to follow.



Source: Really Good Emails

Don't Discriminate Against Any Channel

You may have a primary channel that you want to draw more attention to, but it may not be your audience's favorite. Including all the channels where you have a presence ensures that each subscriber will choose the one that interests them the most. Otherwise, they may not follow you because it's not their favorite network.


Source: Really Good Emails

Show Social Content

Give the spotlight to the people who have tagged you in their posts and send an email showcasing (and mentioning) the users. It's a way to encourage them to keep doing it and also to gain new followers who want you to highlight their photos, for example, on Instagram.



Source: Really Good Emails

Ask for it Openly

Whether they follow you, use a hashtag, or post something that interests you, ask for it without hesitation! A good time is after making a purchase or when they renew a subscription because these are situations where they will be more receptive to share what they have done.



Source: Really Good Emails

Add an Incentive

Member-get-member promotions work well when combining email and social media. If everyone benefits, subscribers become advocates to get the incentive. It could be a 2-for-1 deal, loyalty card points, or anything that motivates them to participate.


Source: Really Good Emails

Organize a Contest

To encourage your community to create content and mention you on their profiles, a photo contest is a good resource. You just need to find something that's easy or fun and give them reasons to participate. Add a button to learn more, and don't forget to include a hashtag to track the entries.


Source: Really Good Emails

Provide Shareable Content

Promotion can go beyond getting direct followers; it's also about seeking visibility on users' profiles. If you provide interesting content for them to share, some of their contacts may consider following your brand.



Source: Really Good Emails

It's Not All About Social

In addition to share buttons and social profiles, you can add other channels, such as your app. This way, all your channels will be interconnected, and no opportunity will escape you. Moreover, the app can also be a way to monetize your database if you obtain their phone number for mobile marketing.


Source: Really Good Emails

Remember the Business Objective

Even if it's a promotional campaign for other channels, every open is a sales opportunity. You can also add a section at the end that refers to the available services. This way, they can take the opportunity to make a last-minute reservation or purchase a product.



Source: Really Good Emails

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